Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Blueberry Lemon Flognarde

Perfect Pairing:  Brulee Dishes from World Market

While name of this dish is a little strange, don’t let that deter you, it is really simple to make.  A flognarde is a French dessert, which is basically a clafoutis that is made with a fruit other than cherries.  The texture is a cross between flan and custard.  The lemon and blueberries add a bright flavor and pair nicely with a dollop of whipped cream on top.  You can make this recipe in a 9 inch pie plate or you can split it into 5 or 6 ramekins.  It is great warm or chilled.  I would recommend putting a cookie sheet underneath the baking dishes because there may be some spillover… as you can see in my photo.  Oops.  I think it adds character!
The Perfect Pairing for this dessert are brulee dishes that are available at World Market.  I had always wanted a set of these dishes but it seemed like an unnecessary expense.  One day while strolling around World Market I noticed that they were under $3 each.  Now, that is a steal.  They are oven safe and dishwasher friendly.  I don’t have any plans to make crème brulee in them because that would mean I need a kitchen torch… probably another unnecessary expense, but I don’t think I will have any trouble putting these cute dishes to good use!

Blueberry Lemon Flognarde
Adapted by Lindsay at Perfecting the Pairing from The Fresh Fridge

·         6 Tb sugar, divided
·         ¾ cup fresh blueberries (one container)
·         3 eggs
·         1 1/3 cup milk
·         2/3 cup flour
·         Zest of one lemon
·         2 tsp vanilla
·         ½ tsp cinnamon
·         Pinch of salt
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.  Grease a 9 inch pie pan or 5 or 6 ramekins.  Sprinkle 1 Tb of sugar in the pie plate or split it across the ramekins.  Arrange the blueberries in the dish(es) and sprinkly 2 more Tb of sugar over the berries.  In the bowl of a food process combine the remaining 3 Tb of sugar, eggs, milk, flour, zest, vanilla , cinnamon and salt.  Process until smooth.  Evenly distribute the batter over the berries.
Bake for 45-55 minutes or until firm and lightly browned.  Let stand for at least 5 minutes before serving.


  1. Those look beautiful! I've made a blueberry flognarde(I usually just call it a clafouti, so much easier to say! haha) before, but not with lemon, that sounds delicious!

  2. The term flognarde is new to me but I do love clagouti! This looks delicious, one of my absolute favorite combos is lemon and blueberry. (and I always love fruity juice spillover - real life!)

  3. this is so pretty! i've never heard of flognarde but it looks delish!

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